游檳小記 (1)
傻啦, 沒有游記看啊, 我打算貼多多圖, 寫幾行字就搞定.
然後去喝酒囉. Errrr, 他們喝酒, 我喝橙汁.
這裡很熱鬧, 一條酒吧街, 都是人.
看起來很美對不對?? 等我告訴你一件事.
話說喝到差不多, 我們想離開了, 我就去上廁所. 原來廁所在樓上, 我剛要上樓, 赫然發現擺放在樓梯間的木偶們都在看著我.
我一怯, 心想哇罵操亥, 唔係甘邪係嘛. 我知道如果我掉頭走, 他們一定要跟我玩, 跟著我走的.
我壯大膽子, 上樓, 不管他們的眼光. 樓上還有一些木偶石佛像, 都是邪里邪氣的.我急急腳排泄完畢, 溜走.
Anyway, 很開心可以和我的好朋友們相聚. 我珍惜每一次的相聚, 把它當成最後一次來過. 嗯, 我愛你們, 好朋友!
should visit that few places you have been, thanks for the post.
xx win-ni
it's funny when u said EXOTIC. I think when we switch our mind to "travelling" mode, everything will be exotic. Your mind were probably on "balik kampung" mode.
little that you know that i was complaining non-stop the other day bcoz the weather was soooo freaking HOT!!!