
我把頭伏在長大了的阿麗莎小小的大腿上. 約莫3歲大的她, 輕輕拍我的臉頰, 說: “Be ambitious, and go for it.”

* 阿麗莎是我上司的女兒, 才5個月多大.


爱睡觉的猪 said…
seasonc said…
如果我可以知道我為甚麼做這些夢, 那就好了. 這個夢沒有怪啊, 哪來的怪?
Anonymous said…
seasonc said…
她還是和現在一樣美麗 - 大大的眼睛, 長長的睫毛, 蜜色的皮膚. 她穿了紅色的小花裙, 綁了兩條小辮子. 她的哥哥, Aden也有在, 才五六歲(在夢中), 手長腳長的, 還是一樣愛笑. 倒是他們的母親沒甚麼變到.
我可以說我夢見的是未來嗎? 呵呵~~~
K. Hans Henry said…
我被“ambitious”这个字眼害了不少,现在有点后悔了,应该是reality comes first。
seasonc said…
Well you are kinda right.
Anonymous said…
season bro:

haha i like this dream. perhaps the little child is also you. you know what i mean ^^

see you on wednesday nite ok
seasonc said…
Hmmmm I dun UN waz u mean wor.

I had a really strange dream this afternoon, as if i was watching a movie. There was a Caucasian family - a man, 2 women, 1 boy and 1 girl. They have a boat, not too big. Something happen ... when the man felt dizzy and walked, a black woman snap her fingers and said:"come back." Apparently the man had been hypnotized by this black lady to slove some mystery. Then the man fall into the hypnosis again, his memory fast fwd ....

Then my client called, and i woke up from my dream.

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