雾都梦都 - 过关
话说我抵达Heathrow Airport时才早上8点多,但是人龙已经排到一圈又一圈。等了约45分钟才到我。机场老早就贴上告示牌说:“严谨的检查换来漫长的等待。我们必须严谨,所以请你们耐心等候。”显示出英国人的把话说在前头,大方利落。
C - Custom
S - Season
C: Where r u from?
S: Malaysia.
C: Is it your first time in London?
S: Yes.
C: What are you here for?
S: Holiday!!! (excitedly)
C: How many days?
S: 12 days.
C: So you will be staying in London for the entire 12 days?
S: Yes, London and Oxford... oh yeah, and 3 more days in Paris.
C: Who's address is this?
S: My frenz's
C: What nationality is she?
S: Malaysian.
C: What is she doing here?
S: Working.
C: What's her profession?
S: Hmm she works in a restaurant and she is doing part time consultancy for counselling.
C: Your occupation... it said "Radio", what is it?
S: I work for a radio station.
C: are you a DJ?
S: Haha nah, I am working in the promotion department.
C: How many days of leave do you have in a year?
S: about 25 days.
C: And you are taking 12 days?
S: Yes, I am going back on the 17th, and back to work on 21st.
(here comes the highlight) C: Why do you choose to come to London at this time, not any other time?
S: Coz I have such great offer from my frenz. I have 2 other frenz coming from HK, they are journalists. It's a work trip for them and they will be staying in Banyan Tree. I wanna stay there too, so I come!!
C: How much money do you have?
S: xxxxpounds
C: Do you have the return ticket? Can you show me?
S: Yes, sure.
(After a moment)
C: Ok, you may go.
S: Thank you!!